The City of York – American Rescue Plan Act SLFRF Nonprofit Recovery Grant Program

The City of York is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of the Nonprofit Economic Recovery Grant Program. This program was funded by the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). It aimed to provide financial support to eligible 501(c)3 and 501(c)19 nonprofit organizations. The organizations below were found to have faced negative economic hardship resulting from or exacerbated by the COVID-19 public health emergency. The program provides grant funding to the extent beneficiaries were able to demonstrate and provide evidence of their negative economic impact through an application process.  Grants were capped at $45,000. These funds are intended to help these nonprofits financially recover so they may continue to serve the York community.

After a thorough review process, the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) will award grants to (30) nonprofit beneficiaries, totaling $1,148,681.00. The beneficiaries represent diverse sectors and services, including arts and culture, education, health and human services, and youth development. The complete list of beneficiaries is available below.

The City of York appreciates the significant contributions made by nonprofits to improve the quality of life and well-being of its residents, particularly during these difficult times. The city congratulates the second-round winners. For more information about the program, please visit

Round two grant beneficiaries listed in alphabetical order:

Accountability For Life
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Crispus Attucks Association of York PA
Give Local York
Grotto Community Center
Jessica and Friends Community
Planned Parenthood Keystone
Servants, Inc.
The Salvation Army
Unity Church of God in Christ

Round one grant beneficiaries listed in alphabetical order:

Creating Opportunities in Neighborhood Environments, Inc. (CONE)
DreamWrights Youth & Family Theatre
Keystone Kidspace
Logos Academy
Northeast Neighborhood Association
Stick N Move Boxing Inc.
The Heart of God International Church
Theatre Arts for Everyone
True Bread Community Church d.b.a Generations Worship Center
United Way of York County PA (USA)
YMCA of the Ross
York Area Development Corporation d.b.a Affordable Housing Advocates
York City Parks Conservancy
York County Food Bank
York County SPCA
York Day Nursery Inc. d.b.a York Day Early Learning
York Fresh Food Farms
York Habitat for Humanity
York Union Rescue Mission, Inc. d.b.a LifePath Christian Ministries
Young Women’s Christian Association of York (YWCA York)

For questions, please contact:

Grant Webpage: