The Schuettler Center for Municipal Development


The Schuettler Center Pledge Form

The Richard J. Schuettler Center for Municipal Development is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity created by the Pennsylvania Municipal League Board of Directors to assist local elected and appointed officials in obtaining the knowledge and leadership skills necessary to meet the challenges of their office and to provide a forum from which urban policy issues can be debated, formulated, and communicated through such means as training, research papers, and educational publications. The Board has approved renaming the Center in honor of Rick for his dedication and commitment to good government, and specifically municipal training. In announcing the new name during our upcoming Municipal Leadership Summit and our effort to create an endowment for the Center going forward, we are asking partners to make a pledge. We are honored to recognize you as a supporter of the Center. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Thank you! We are inspired by your generosity!

Please enter amount of donation here
Gift Recognition (option #1)
Gift Recognition (option #2)
Matching Gift