
Municipal Job Junction+
PennPRIME Insurance Trust
U•COMP Unemployment Comp. Trust
Public Employer Labor Relations Advisory Service (PELRAS)
Statewide Municipal Administrative Resources Team (SMART)
News & Announcements
- Important announcement from the The Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority about broadband grant applications due this Friday
- Press Release – Mayor Lombardo Appointed to National League of Cities Community and Economic Development (CED) Federal Advocacy Committee
- State League Federal Legislative Listserv : January 31st Webinar: Impacts of Immigration Executive Orders on Local Governments
- Pennsylvania’s BEAD Program Application Deadline EXTENDED and Important Updates
- Webinar 1/16: AmeriCorps Resources for Pennsylvanian CommunitiesRA Local Govt: Funding Opportunities for 2 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants
- RA Local Govt: Funding Opportunities for 2 Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants
- WATCH: New Video from Governor Shapiro Highlights How Pennsylvania is Competing Again, Making Historic Investments to Spur Economic Growth and Create Jobs Across the Commonwealth
- PBDA BEAD Program Office Hours Reminder
Upcoming Events
In The Headlines
The Pennsylvania Municipal League strengthens and empowers effective local government through advocacy, education, and support for our members.