Source: US Forest Service – White River National Forest
Innovation Exchange
Conversations Launching Change
Presented by the Federal Highway Administration Local Aid Support
FHWA Local Aid Support Announces Innovation Exchange Webinar on Aquatic Organism Passages
Thursday, July 21, 2022 | 2:00–3:30 p.m. ET
Fragmentation of aquatic habitats by dams, culverts, and other infrastructure is a primary threat to aquatic species throughout the United States. The need to recover aquatic habitat connectivity helps the movement of migratory fish species and other aquatic organisms and improves the overall quality of the watershed. Another benefit of widened stream crossings is the increased capacity to carry debris flow and diminish the risk of structure failure or road overtopping during high-stream events. Stream continuity or the uninterrupted connection of a river network, is not always a primary consideration when designing road-stream crossings.
FHWA brings together subject matter experts to explore how stream crossings can consider adjacent aquatic habitat and remove the risk of flooding impacts. No registration is required. To access the webinar:
Join on your computer or mobile app: ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 160 008 8454; Passcode: 334309
For questions, contact Karyn Vandervoort with FHWA’s Office of Federal Lands Highway at