Hurricane Ida Recovery Briefings: Join IEDC 9/24, 9/27, and 9/29

Some upcoming Hurricane Ida Recovery briefings from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC).

Has your community been impacted by Hurricane Ida?

The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) is hosting geographically-targeted virtual economic recovery briefings for affected communities. Senior EDA leadership and other federal entities will join state partners and regional disaster recovery specialists to discuss the resources available to jumpstart the recovery process. The September 27 webinar is jointly sponsored by Louisiana Economic Development and IEDC.

Each session will be broken into three 1-1.5 hour sections: Region-specific resources, federal resources, and case studies. Partners to be featured include the U.S. Economic Development Administration, the Small Business Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and FEMA, as well as representatives from state and regional economic development organizations.

The briefings are free and available to all; there is no need to be a member of IEDC. Please follow the links below to each session’s webpage for additional information or to register.

Hurricane Ida Economic Recovery Resource Briefing for Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Communities
Friday, September 24, 1–5 p.m. ET
Register Here

Hurricane Ida Economic Recovery Resource Briefing for Louisiana Communities (co-sponsored with Louisiana Economic Development)
Monday, September 27, 2–6 p.m. ET
Register Here

Hurricane Ida Economic Recovery Resource Briefing for Southeast Communities
Wednesday, September 29, 1–5 p.m. ET
Register Here

For questions about the resource briefings or IEDC’s available economic recovery resources, please contact Delaney Luna at or visit our website at