SLLC Supreme Court Preview 2021-22
While the abortion and guns cases will very likely put the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2021-22 term in the history books, the Court has agreed to hear numerous cases of interest to states and local governments. On the docket already are three First Amendment cases including a sign case, a board member censure case, and a school choice case; a Medicaid case; and an “unreasonable seizure pursuant to legal process” case. Join Sarah Harris, Williams & Connolly, merits counsel in a case involving the Rehabilitation Act, Rick Simpson, Wiley, SLLC amicus brief writer in another case involving the Rehabilitation Act, and Ken Jost, author of Supreme Court Yearbook and Jost on Justice, in a discussion of the most important cases the Supreme Court is planning to decide so far this upcoming term for states and local governments.
Date and time: September 15, 1-2:15PM Eastern time