Source: Pennie
Pennie Customers Can Now See Savings When Shopping for Health Coverage
Uninsured Pennsylvanians will be able to receive significant savings in health coverage as a result of the American Rescue Plan
Harrisburg, PA – April 16 – As a result of the recent American Rescue Plan, also known as the COVID-19 relief package, provisions specific to the Affordable Care Act have impacted the way health insurance is available in Pennsylvania . These provisions include significant impacts, including an increase in savings, for Pennsylvanians seeking individual market coverage and those already enrolled through Pennie, as well as those who may lose their employment and rely on COBRA to maintain their employer coverage. Pennie is excited to announce that these savings are now available at for those looking to enroll in quality, affordable coverage.
Pennie is currently in the midst of the COVID-19 Enrollment Period and due to these savings now being available, Pennie has extended the deadline for broad coverage until August 15, 2021.
Pennsylvania taxpayers and their spouses, who are eligible to receive unemployment compensation in 2021, will be eligible for the maximum levels of financial assistance through Pennie, including advance premium tax credits (APTC) and cost sharing reductions (CSR) to significantly reduce the cost of health coverage and care. Many of these households will be able to enroll in a silver plan in their area with a $0 premium for the remainder of 2021, if they otherwise qualify.
The system enhancements to for shopping customers were part of Pennie’s Phase 1 of implementation of the American Rescue Plan provisions . Current customers will also be able to access the enhanced subsidies during this phase, as long as they actively resubmit their Pennie application. The second phase in Pennie’s implementation plan relates to re-running eligibility for current Pennie customers. Pennie will be automatically updating their plans with the enhanced subsidies and will implement these savings by no later than June. Pennie will be notifying their customers when these changes will be available in their accounts, and what steps they need to take to receive them, if necessary.
Pennie hopes these updates made to the online application system will bring coverage within reach for those who are uninsured but could not previously afford it. Those interested in having affordable, quality health coverage should visit and enroll in health insurance to receive these new savings. To get covered, all one needs to do is apply for health insurance and enroll in the current “COVID-19 Enrollment Period” that is open to all Pennsylvanians and runs until August 15. Pennie can also link customers to free certified experts to assist with the application or plan selection process. Pennie encourages anyone who is uninsured and is seeking affordable coverage to visit for more information.