PBDA BEAD Program Office Hours Reminder

via PA Broadband Development Authority

The PBDA would like to remind you of the final BEAD Program Office Hours, taking place Wednesday December 11, 2024 at 11:00 AM.

Additionally, BEAD Program Application Round 1 is currently open and accepting applications through Tuesday, January 21, 2025, a subsequent application period and process will follow in 2025. PBDA has provided a number of resources on the BEAD Program page, to assist with developing applications, providing a list below.

  1. BEAD Guidelines
  2. BEAD FAQs
  3. BEAD Application Templates
  4. Webinars, Eligible Locations, and more

The PBDA is also working on an application walkthrough, to be posted on the website in the near future.

If you have additional questions or needs, please reach out to the PBDA at ra-dcpbda_bead@pa.gov.