Responding to Violence

Source: Tim Shriver

I’m with our team at UNITE and with people around the world who are shocked and shaken by the attempted shooting of Donald Trump and the loss of life and injuries that followed. Thankfully, former President Trump appears to be okay. Thank God.

Sudden and violent attacks shake my sense of safety and remind me of some of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I grieve for the lost and grieve too for those who survive. A bullet can pierce a body but also pierce the peace in our hearts. I am sorry.

I hope all Americans will do whatever they can to reduce the tension and risk of violence in our country. Our team has chosen to promote a dignity movement. Our Dignity movement has a simple message: when we disagree, try to treat others with dignity. Treating others with dignity is a way of easing tensions and solving problems. And it’s also a way of signaling to everyone that violence is a failure. It’s a failure of our relationships, a failure of our culture, and a failure of the human spirit.

I hope it’s a message that resonates today. I will pray for Donald Trump and for those who love him today. And I will pray for those who protect him. And I will pray for those who died and are wounded.

And equally, I will commit to doing my best to treat everyone with dignity. It’s a lesson I learned from Special Olympics athletes, my own family, from losses in my life, and from my faith. 

I think it’s the most important message for our shaken and wounded country today.

In peace and unity,
