All across the Commonwealth, Pennsylvanians are reading about Governor Shapiro’s plan to create jobs and grow our economy.
Harrisburg, PA – This week, Governor Josh Shapiro and Secretary of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Rick Siger launched the Commonwealth’s first Economic Development Strategy in nearly two decades – building on the Shapiro Administration’s work to make Pennsylvania a leader in innovation and economic development and to create economic opportunity for all Pennsylvanians.
Governor Shapiro is changing how we do business in Pennsylvania – and his Administration hit the ground running during his first year in office, securing $1.2 billion in private sector investments, significantly cutting down business licensing time, and rethinking the way government can work at the speed of business in his first year. In that time, Pennsylvania added over 100,000 new jobs, increased economic output, and saw its unemployment rate drop.
The new ten-year strategy will capitalize on the Commonwealth’s strengths and reignite our economy by setting five ambitious and bold goals: investing in our economic growth to compete, continuing to make government work at the speed of business, opening doors of opportunity for all Pennsylvanians, innovating to win, and building vibrant and resilient regions.
The full Economic Development Strategy is available at
See what Pennsylvania legislative, business, agricultural, labor, and educational leaders are saying about Governor Shapiro’s Economic Development Strategy:
Senator Jay Costa: “I am extremely proud to join Governor Shapiro as we continue to invest in our workers, entrepreneurs, innovators, and business leaders. Pennsylvania has the potential to lead the nation in cutting edge technology, energy, and manufacturing. The investments and strategy set forth by the Shapiro administration prepares our commonwealth well to capitalize on our incredible resources and succeed across the board. I look forward to continued discussions with partners and stakeholders as we fully realize this strategy.”
Senator Lisa Boscola: “Pennsylvania needs to be in the economic development business. We need to leverage our strengths like our plentiful energy and strong workforce and make sure companies looking to relocate know all about them. I am proud to stand with a Governor that gets it, like this one does. It is time Pennsylvania re-engage in economic development.”
Representative Bob Freeman: “As a longtime advocate for the Keystone Communities Main Street and Elm Street programs I am very pleased to see Governo Shapiro announce his Main Street Matters initiative with a proposed allocation of $25 million. Main Street Matters will complement the existing Main Street and Elm Street programs and provide critical additional financial resources toward the revitalization of our Main Street businesses and commercial corridors in our small towns and small cities. As the Governor rolls out his Economic Development Strategy for Pennsylvania it is reassuring that the Governor is committed to having that strategy also address the need for economic opportunity in our smaller communities as well, so as to ensure their stability and success.”
Representative Aerion Abney: “Our Commonwealth is uniquely positioned to think globally yet act locally. Governor Shapiro’s 10-year economic development strategy is an investment towards the advancement of our Commonwealth in an innovative manner that will benefit both current and future generations.”
Senate Democratic Leaders: “Today, Gov. Josh Shapiro launched the first statewide economic development strategy in nearly 20 years. We’re thrilled to see the Governor work toward making Pennsylvania a leader in innovation and economic development.”
House Democratic Leaders: “House Democrats lead the fight for better jobs in Pennsylvania – jobs with a real living wage and benefits so that working families of every size and type can thrive and support their communities. We passed bills to raise worker pay, guarantee safer workspaces, and protect workers’ rights to join a union. Beyond that, we’re leading the fight to make it easier to start and expand a business here in the commonwealth – investing in the companies who invest in us. Governor Shapiro’s commitment to strengthening our commonwealth through this comprehensive strategy is a commitment we share and something we’re ready to fight to make happen – forward-thinking, targeted investments in the high-tech, high-wage industries to build a better tomorrow and make sure we lead the technological revolution the way we led the industrial revolution. We look forward to working with the Shapiro Administration as we begin the budget process and we’re grateful that Governor Shapiro shares our vision to bring together government, industry, education and our world-class workforce to make sure we’re the keystone to America’s economy.”
Donald F. Smith, Jr., President, Regional Industrial Development Corporation of Southwestern Pennsylvania (RIDC): “For too long, we’ve been falling behind other states with which we compete, but Governor Shapiro has shown a commitment to making bold moves to put us back in the game. We worked with his team, led by Secretary Siger, to attract Re:Build Manufacturing to New Kensington and we look forward to working together to attract more businesses and more jobs to our region – under the Governor’s new initiative.”
Chellie Cameron, President and Chief Executive Officer, Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia: “The Governor’s economic development strategy serves as a needed blueprint for inclusive growth throughout the Greater Philadelphia region and the Commonwealth, creating jobs, spurring innovation and growing opportunities. We stand ready to work together with the Shapiro Administration, General Assembly, and our business community to strengthen our competitive position in the global economy.”
Stefani Pashman, Chief Executive Officer, Allegheny Conference: “The release of the Governor’s economic development strategy is a critical milestone on the path to unlocking the growth potential of our region and state. We applaud the Governor not just for his vision for a competitive Pennsylvania, but for the consistent actions taken over the past year that have generated the positive momentum we are experiencing today. We look forward to working in partnership to realize the full potential embodied in this plan and to ensure the commonwealth is attractive to the people and employers who call it home as well as those we want to attract.”
Abby Smith, President & CEO, Team Pennsylvania: “A 10-year strategy for economic development is necessary and exciting. Pennsylvania has significant opportunities to strengthen its competitiveness, starting by getting clear about our priority sectors and the Commonwealth’s strength. This focus is energizing for local and regional partners from industry, the public sector, the network of economic development entities, academia, and labor to know that the state sees opportunities to accelerate in these key areas. We’re thrilled that Governor Shapiro is championing the enormous assets that exist in the Commonwealth while also being clear-eyed about the challenges.”
Reverend Bonnie Camarda, Director of Partnerships, The Salvation Army of Eastern PA & Delaware: “The Latino community is poised to grow its pivotal economic role in Pennsylvania’s future, leveraging Governor Shapiro’s strategic investments and reforms. Our diverse and talented community is a vital leader in the entrepreneurial spirit that is the foundation for building and advancing the Governor’s vision for innovation and inclusive growth, ensuring every Pennsylvanian, irrespective of background, thrives with these new economic development initiatives.”
Don Cunningham, President & CEO of the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp: “Governor Shapiro’s new economic strategy for Pennsylvania is a smart and practical approach to economic growth that is focused on helping to create jobs and opportunity in the 21st Century. It’s long overdue for the state to have a comprehensive and strategic approach that will help all the regions of Pennsylvania thrive and prosper in a competitive world. It’s clear that a lot of thought and work was put into this plan.”
Jennifer Apicella, Executive Director, Pittsburgh Robotics Network: “The Shapiro Administration’s Economic Development Strategy promises a robust, forward-thinking Pennsylvania that recognizes challenges and turns them into opportunities. The five key sectors that are a focal point of this strategy are poised for explosive growth and job creation – and Pittsburgh robotics companies are leading the way in all of these areas. We share Governor Shapiro’s vision for a Commonwealth in which businesses find fertile ground for innovation and growth and every Pennsylvanian has access to family-sustaining jobs and fulfilling careers. Pennsylvania is indeed open for business. But more importantly, Pennsylvania is ready for the future.”
Michele Washko, President, and Chief Executive Officer at Life Sciences Greenhouse Investments: “The Shapiro Administration’s Economic Development Strategy focuses on five key sectors that will best position Pennsylvania to compete and win on a global scale. It’s not surprising to see life sciences, the field dedicated to harnessing the enormous potential of the natural world, identified as one of the sectors that will drive inclusive, sustainable growth in Pennsylvania in the years ahead. We look forward to working alongside Governor Shapiro and his Administration, as well as the public and private sectors, to realize this strategy’s goals. Together, we can ensure the promise of an improved business climate is credible, attainable, and works for all Pennsylvanians.”
Carrie Amann, Executive Director, PA Workforce Development Association: “Building a strong economy requires building a strong workforce, and we appreciate the Shapiro Administration’s focus on making sure that job seekers, workers, and employers have the resources they need to make Pennsylvania’s workforce the strongest in the nation. We are encouraged by the opportunity to align and coordinate economic development priorities with workforce development expertise. Governor Shapiro’s commitment to crafting a strategic economic development plan is a critical first step; partnering with Pennsylvania’s workforce development system will help move that plan to a reality that lifts up communities and elevates workforce delivery models that are more relevant to the types of careers job seekers and workers are pursuing now and in the future.”
Angela Ferritto, President, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO: “Governor Shapiro’s new Economic Development Strategy demonstrates his commitment to Pennsylvania workers. By considering barriers to economic growth and developing goals to guide policies and investments, the Governor shows he wants the Pennsylvania economy to thrive once again. When our industries thrive, our workers thrive. With better pay and benefits, our hardworking men and women can improve the lives of their families and contribute to the vibrancy of their communities.”
Daniel P. Bauder, President, Philadelphia AFL-CIO: “Governor Shapiro’s Pennsylvania Economic Development Strategy is a real investment in Pennsylvania’s workers and industries. Because of this historic investment, industries that have played a vital role in the economic growth of the Commonwealth will be rejuvenated in a sustainable way that puts workers and the community at the forefront.”
Darrin Kelly, Pittsburgh AFL-CIO President: “This economic development strategy is more than a document – this is our economic rebirth. This strategy puts labor at the forefront. We are proud to be here. Governor Shapiro, we thank you once again for investing in Pennsylvania’s greatest asset – its people. We’re proud to stand here with you, as always. Your commitment not to just this here, but our infrastructure, our children, our education facilities, our mass transit, once again shows that you fulfill your promises.”
Chris Hoffman, President, Pennsylvania Farm Bureau: “Pennsylvania’s farmers appreciate the Shapiro Administration’s inclusion of agriculture among the five key economic sectors targeted under the Pennsylvania Economic Development Strategy. Pennsylvania Farm Bureau looks forward to seeing the Administration’s proposals affecting agriculture in its soon-to-be-forthcoming 2024-25 budget plan, and to working with it and the General Assembly to help best direct the Commonwealth’s resources in a manner that will support the broad goals outlined in the Strategy while advancing the policy priorities identified by Farm Bureau members.”
Chuck Turner, President, Turner Dairy Farms: “Governor Shapiro’s recognition of the economic importance of agriculture sends a clear signal as to where his priorities lie – in supporting our farmers and those of us who process and transport their products to market. As a dairy processor who is deeply connected to Pennsylvania farms, and to retailers and consumers, I have seen that investments in agriculture are investments in communities and the Commonwealth as a whole. We look forward to continuing to strengthen PA dairy and agriculture through economic growth opportunities under the Shapiro Administration.”
Matt Gabler, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Forest Products Association: “Pennsylvania’s Forest Products Industry values its close and long-standing partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and the Hardwoods Development Council. With a total economic impact exceeding $39 billion annually, forest products account for the single largest sector within Pennsylvania agriculture. The Shapiro Administration’s commitment to feature the forest products sector in its new comprehensive economic development strategy is great news for an industry that provides profound economic and environmental benefits across all of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. We look forward to partnering with Governor Shapiro to ensure that Pennsylvania continues to be the nation’s leading hardwood producing state.”
Carnegie Mellon University President Farnam Jahanian: “Pennsylvania has all the necessary, tough-to-come-by ingredients to secure our place as the leading economic engine of the future. Governor Shapiro’s plan arrives at a once-in-a-generation moment to leverage innovation and talent together. It introduces dedicated resources, a sharp focus and ambitious calls to action after nearly 20 years without a statewide economic strategy in place. Carnegie Mellon University is excited to do our part to advance the governor’s vision, help drive growth throughout the commonwealth and support the shared success of all Pennsylvanians.”
Pedro Rivera, President, Thaddeus Stevens College: “Thaddeus Stevens College is focused on a hands-on approach to preparing students for in-demand, high-paying jobs. Almost all graduates stay in Pennsylvania, helping to meet pressing workforce talent needs across the state. Invested in the success of the Governor’s economic plan, Stevens stands ready to supply the skilled workers that local employers need to thrive.”
See what Pennsylvanians are reading about Governor Shapiro’s bold vision to make Pennsylvania a national leader in economic development, innovation, and job creation:
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [OPINION]: Pennsylvania gets the critical economic plan we need
WTAE: Gov. Shapiro in Pittsburgh, spotlights Pa. strategic plan for economic development
Pittsburgh Business Times: Mill 19 fitting scene for unveiling of Shapiro’s economic plan
Pittsburgh Business Times: Business leaders upbeat on Shapiro’s new economic development plan Shapiro unveils $40M tech-centric plan to stimulate Pennsylvania’s economy
Lehigh Valley News: Gov. Shapiro launches economic development plan from Bethlehem Twp.
The Standard-Speaker: Shapiro unveiling economic growth plan
The Times Leader: Shapiro launches new 10-year statewide economic development plan
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Shapiro unveils 10-year economic development strategy for Pennsylvania
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