It is ARPA Reporting Time Again for All Municipalities

Source: National League of Cities (NLC)

It is ARPA reporting time again for all municipalities. Approximately 1,100 municipalities file quarterly and have been through this process a number of times. More than 26,000 NEUs will be filing their second annual Project & Expenditure report. With elections and staff turnover at the end of 2022, filing a Project & Expenditure Report might be a challenge for some municipalities.

Treasury Resources:

  • For help from the U.S. Treasury regarding ARPA reporting questions, contact the help desk at or call (844) 529-9527. 
  • Additional self-help resources for completing a report can be found here.
  • Finally, a new, simplified video on how to report for smaller communities produced by the U.S. Department of Treasury can be accessed here. This video came from NLC’s urging of Treasury to make the process simpler for the smallest communities with the least capacity.

NLC Resources:

  • NLC will post a blog on April 12 letting municipalities know that the portal for reporting is open, that they have to report by April 30, and providing best practices. It will be available on
  • NLC created a step-by-step walk-through in PowerPoint slide format of everything a community needs to know to file a report. The slides can be accessed here.