New Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Opportunities Focused on Environmental Justice are Coming Soon!

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon announce two new grant opportunities funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which President Biden signed in November 2021. These grants will provide funding for states and tribes to provide businesses with technical assistance to help them adopt pollution prevention (P2) practices to advance environmental justice in disadvantaged communities across the country. These new grant opportunities are expected to be posted on in the coming weeks, and applicants will have 90 days to apply.  EPA is providing notice of these grant opportunities in advance so organizations interested in partnering with eligible applicants can make the necessary connections as applicants develop their applications. 

The two grant opportunities are: 

  • Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice in Communities – Providing P2 technical assistance to businesses to improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities
  • Pollution Prevention Grant: Environmental Justice Through Safer and More Sustainable Products – Providing P2 technical assistance to business to improve human health and the environment in disadvantaged communities by increasing the supply, demand and/or use of safer and more sustainable products, such as those that are certified by EPA’s Safer Choice label, or those that conform to EPA’s Recommendations for Specifications, Standards and Ecolabels for Federal Purchasing 

Eligible applicants include states, state entities such as universities, U.S. territories and possessions, and federally recognized Tribes and intertribal consortia. Applicants are encouraged to consider partnering with other P2 stakeholders and with community organizations to strengthen their ability to jointly develop and provide P2 technical assistance to businesses and facilitate the development, adoption, and dissemination of P2 solutions. For these grants, selected grantees will not be required to focus their technical assistance on the National Emphasis Areas (NEAs) and will not be required to provide matching funds.   

Prior to applying for an EPA grant, applicants must: 

Please note that it may take up to a month to complete registration on these systems.  

For help with grant-related questions, e-mail  

To receive a notification when the grants are available, sign up to receive EPA’s P2 listserv.