Source: Pennsylvania Downtown Center
Working on improving walking, biking, and accessibility in your community now? Thinking about doing so in the future? Join the Statewide Active Transportation Summit to meet people doing this work in various parts of PA, see examples of work underway, and discover key elements to help you bring active transportation improvements home for your area.
Brought to you by Pennsylvania Downtown Center, Bicycle South Central PA, and 2022 Summit Sponsor Lancaster Bicycle Club, the Statewide Active Transportation Summit: Bikes & Beyond will be hosted on Saturday, November 12, from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, on the campus of Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster (with optional walking or biking tour to follow). It will be familiar to people who have attended past Regional Bike Summits, but the scope will expand to welcome people from around the commonwealth and to include all active modes in the discussion.
The event keynote will be offered by Caron Whitaker, the Deputy Director of the League of American Bicyclists, on “Building Coalitions for Active Transportation.”
In addition, Sarah Stuart of the Philly Bicycle Coalition and Scott Bricker of BikePGH will both be speaking.
The site of the event is the campus of Franklin & Marshall College, which was recently awarded Silver Level Certification as a Bicycle-Friendly University by the League of American Bicyclists. F&M in turn is situated in the City of Lancaster, which has had active planning and construction under way for a decade on Complete Streets, Green Streets, and now Vision Zero. In addition, the city has an extensive bus system and is connected regionally by Amtrak service. It’s a nexus of both thinking and doing in terms of providing safe, accessible, and inviting connected networks for people walking and wheeling. We will also hear from the Lancaster County Planning Office and MPO about its Active Transportation Plan, which incorporates a wide range of development conditions, populations, and land uses, from rural to urban and Amish to recent immigrants. Attendees will be able to select two of six planned breakouts to attend in the afternoon.
At the end of the event, there will also be an option to take part in either a bike tour of downtown Lancaster infrastructure or a walking tour of the F&M bicycle-friendly campus.
This event is suitable for a wide variety of participants, whether people who have formal roles with municipalities or those who are engaged activists and advocates as well as anyone just interested in getting involved in promoting active transportation in their communities.
For those coming in the evening before, there is an option to do an evening walk in town.
The cost is $30 (in advance) per registrant, and goes up to $35 for registrations completed after October 31. Registration includes lunch and snacks. If the registration is a hardship, please contact the organizers as scholarship funds may be available.
Questions? Contact:
Marilyn Chastek, Sam Pearson, PDC,, 781-366-0726