Source: PA Department of Transportation
As part of PennDOT’s efforts to reduce pedestrian crashes on the Commonwealth’s highways, the Department had purchased for municipalities, Yield to Pedestrian Channelizing Devices (YTPCD) that meet all Federal and State criteria for traffic signs and crashworthiness.
In-street YTPCDs are intended to be a used at locations with high pedestrian volumes during peak periods of travel or during unique situations or events. These devices are a low cost countermeasure that can be utilized until a more permanent solution can be planned, designed, and constructed. Ideally, based on the portable design of these devices they are most effective when removed if pedestrian activity is minimal. This limits driver complacency and has a greater impact on drivers yielding to pedestrians.
The Department YTPCDs inventory had been depleted two years ago and at that time these devices were no longer available free for local authorities. However, below is a list of approved Bulletin 15 vendors should local authorities choose to procure these devices independently.
As a reminder, local enforcement is the responsibility of the local jurisdiction. When YTPCDs are in place, PUB 236 must be followed when using Pedestrian Channelizing Devices (R1-6):
- Shall be placed on the centerline of a low-speed roadway in a marked unsignalized crosswalk.
- Shall not be positioned on a roadway with a speed limit greater than 35 mph or with a clear roadway width of less than 20 feet.
- Shall not be used in locations where it will adversely affect the turning radius of motor vehicles.
- Are to be placed on roadway centerlines within 50 feet of crosswalks to remind all users that they are to obey State law and yield to pedestrians in those crosswalks.
If you have additional questions or are in need of support or education on this topic, local jurisdictions may reach out to PennDOT Connects, PennDOT LTAP, or the PennDOT Statewide Bike Ped Coordinator.