Register Now: Two Supreme Court Webinars

Source: State & Local Legal Center

SLLC Supreme Court Review webinar

From guns to abortion to countless First Amendment cases to a potentially big police case this U.S. Supreme Court term will long be remembered. Join Dan Bromberg, Pillsbury, who wrote the SLLC amicus brief in the Boston flag case, Roman Martinez, Latham & Watkins, who argued the police case, and Luke McCloud, Williams & Connolly, who also argued a case this term, in a discussion of the most interesting and important cases for states and local governments decided this term.

July 14, 2-3:15 Eastern

Register here

Supreme Court 2021 Term Roundup: Environmental Law and the States

Join appellate advocates and state Solicitors General on Tuesday, July 19 from 12:30pm – 1:45pm ET for a conversation about the term’s cases and the impact that those cases could have on states and environmental law. This program is co-hosted by the State Energy & Environmental Impact Center and the State and Local Legal Center. 

Register for the webinar here