Federal Highway Administration New Training Announcement – Transportation Innovation

Source: U.S. DOT Federal Highway Administration

The USDOT Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
The Every Day Counts Innovation “Digital As-Builts”
to Improve Safety, Time, and Quality in Transportation Construction

The FHWA has added new dates for transportation professionals to share with their peers how they have advanced the use of Digital As-Built plans within their highway agencies.  The forum occurs the last Monday of every month from 3:30 – 4:30 pm ET. 

Presentations currently planned include:

  • April 25: City of West Memphis, Arkansas
  • May 23: Iowa DOT 
  • June 27: California DOT 

There is no cost to participate.  To access the webinar:

Join ZoomGov Meeting https://usdot.zoomgov.com/j/1618207624?pwd=ZDZsUmVFMzN4V2Q2Z1hOSHlIQU01UT09

Meeting ID: 161 820 7624  Passcode: 563916

Please contact David Unkefer at david.unkefer@dot.gov or  (404) 764-7498 with any questions.

Learn more about Digital As-Builts and E-Ticketing: YouTube – Innovation Spotlight: e-Ticketing and Digital As Builts – YouTube  and at the following website: EDC-6: e-Ticketing and Digital As-Builts | Federal Highway Administration (dot.gov)

The Federal Highway Administration is committed to providing equal access to this meeting for all participants.  If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please contact David Unkefer at david.unkefer@dot.gov.