PennDOT is continuing to work towards shifting their Alternative Fuels Corridors from pending to ready. As presented at the Fall 2021 MAC meeting, PennDOT has published the I-81/I-78 corridor deployment plan (166 miles from the MD/PA border to NJ/PA border). With Illinois DOT as the lead, PennDOT and their Clean Cities partners are also part of a multiple state I-80 deployment grant for the installation of both electric vehicles and compressed natural gas fueling infrastructure along the I-80 corridor from New Jersey to the Iowa/Nebraska border.
To promote the benefits of DC fast charging and existing funding opportunities to businesses on all alternative fuel corridors, they developed a 1-page fact sheet on EV Fast-Charging FAQs and Funding Opportunities. This is a more generalized brochure applicable to all alternative fuel corridors where fast charging may be needed.
The 2021 cycle of the DC Fast Charging Grant (indicated in the 1-pager) opens this week! (October 29), and is scheduled to remain open through the end of January 2022. More details on the grant are provided below:
The DC Fast Charging and Hydrogen Fueling Grant Program will open for applications on 10/29/2021 and close on 1/31/2022. There will only be one application due date this round, and with a higher available funding amount, in order to fund a larger percentage of the applications. Please see below for a summary of the major program changes this year.
- The program will have a new maximum award amount of $750,000 per organization per funding round. This will ensure that a larger number of organizations receive funding. The funding cap per project remains at $250,000 for DC fast charging projects.
- The program will offer a maximum of 60% funding.
- Projects that qualify as “corridor expansion” by being located along an interstate highway charging gap of greater than 50 miles will be eligible for the following benefits:
* Increased maximum funding amount of 65%
* Lower peak power requirement of 120 kW
* Scoring advantages - Project scoring will place a greater emphasis on reducing highway corridor gaps, being located in areas without nearby DC fast charging, and exceeding minimum power output requirements. Other scoring components such as site amenities, future proofing, cost effectiveness, innovative technology, and being located in an Environmental Justice community will remain.
- You are welcome to submit an application to this program and the Alternative Fuel Incentive Grant program (closes December 17) for the same project. If you apply to both, please indicate which program you would prefer if selected for funding by both.
- As always, the full program guidelines and application instructions will be posted on Driving PA Forward.
If you have any questions on electrification, please contact Jackie Koons-Felion ( or Natasha Fackler (