Source: The Pennsylvania Economy League Summary of U.S. Department of Treasury
Interactive Map Shows Distributions to Small Municipalities Made by the PA Treasury Department
Over $300 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds Disbursed to PA Small Municipalities
Pay Yourself First!
- Municipalities are permitted to use ARPA funds to replace lost revenue for the provision of government services
- U.S. Treasury Interim Rules provide a formula for calculating lost revenue
- Links to the formula and other information are available in Compliance and Reporting Guidance: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Fast Facts
- 484 small municipalities received $168.5 million in the first distribution
- 649 small municipalities received $143.3 million in the second distribution
- Small cities, boroughs and townships under 50,000 must request the funds from the state to receive them
- PA Treasury will continue to distribute on a rolling basis
- Larger municipalities receive their money directly from U.S. Treasury