Resources for COVID-19 Response and Economic Recovery
Federal agencies continue to release guidance and funding for programs under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to help communities respond to the coronavirus pandemic. The National League of Cities (NLC) is here to answer questions and support your responsible stewardship of these critical funding opportunities with tools and guidance. We encourage you to visit our FAQ page regularly for the latest updates and to submit additional questions. In addition to ARPA implementation, NLC is strongly advocating for a comprehensive infrastructure package to help America’s cities, towns and villages rebuild. We will continue to share critical legislative updates and actions that local leaders should take to strengthen our communities.
Here is how you can take action:
Take Action on Infrastructure: Ready to Rebuild
Initiative: Vaccinating Hard-to-Reach Communities
Resource: NLC Call on Treasury Reporting Guidance
Response and Recovery
Help is Here For You!
On June 23, the Treasury Department released an updated FAQ document related to the Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. If you have general questions about the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, please email the U.S. Department of Treasury at or call 844-529-9527
How ARPA Funds Can Be Used on Premium Pay For Essential Workers
Cities can use the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to give premium pay to their essential workers. This use is critical for compensating those who are responsible for ensuring the health and wellbeing of America’s communities. Learn More >
Treasury Expands Broadband Eligibility
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds can be used for necessary investments in broadband infrastructure. On June 17, the Treasury Department updated this broadband eligible use to allow more flexibility. Learn More >
Happening Tomorrow: Join the White House Eviction Prevention Webinar
The White House is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, June 30, from 1:00-2:00 PM ET about how jurisdictions can develop or strengthen eviction diversion programs. This call is to help cities and residents with eviction diversion following the CDC’s announcement of a final one-month extension of the eviction moratorium. Register Here >
Supporting Early Childhood through ARPA
Families with young children are among those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. ARPA Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds can be used to advance early childhood programs to help these families. Learn More >
Highlight Your Ready to Rebuild Infrastructure Project
Local governments are ready to rebuild and to make their cities better places to live. NLC will keep calling on Congress directly to invest in local infrastructure and prepare for a better future, but we need cities to speak up for themselves too. Learn More >
NLC Statement on Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan
Following President Biden’s endorsement of the Senate bipartisan infrastructure agreement, NLC released a statement commending the president and senators for reaching a partisan deal. NLC is eager to see additional details about the plan. Learn More >
Town of Golden’s Bold Broadband Plan
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the Town of Golden, Colorado, set out to expand high-speed broadband access to help their residents learn, work, and participate in the regional and national economy. Golden’s story is one example that shows the need for federal investment. Learn More >
State of the Cities 2021 Report
This report identifies top-level issues such as economic development and infrastructure, and specific policies, such as workforce training and transit. What this year’s State of the Cities analysis reveals is that local leaders continue to make targeted investments that provide residents and businesses with the tools to strengthen our economy in ways that are more equitable, sustainable and forward-thinking. Learn More >
Climate Change Cases May be Less Likely Litigated in State Court Following SCOTUS Ruling
The B.P. v. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore case is one of at least a dozen that cities, counties and states across the United States have brought against major oil and gas companies claiming they knew for decades their products caused climate change but denied or downplayed the threat. While the issue in this case has been raised in other climate change cases pending in the lower courts, it is not unique to climate change litigation. Learn More >