Provided by the Pennsylvania Downtown Center
How can a Pennsylvania Main Street or Elm Street organization be well-positioned to utilize funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)?
Please join PDC and special guest, Kelly Humrichouser, Director of Government Relations, National Main Street Center, as we discuss strategic local advocacy options in moving forward in our recovery efforts – Thursday, May 27th at 1:00 PM.
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Read this overview of the American Rescue Plan Act and Sample Concepts.
American Rescue Plan Act: State and Local Funding
The ARP offers $350 billion to states, counties, and local governments, guaranteeing funding to all 19,000 municipalities in the country. For many communities, this funding is urgently needed to fill budget shortfalls. For many, the funding will exceed the direct impacts of the pandemic to local budgets; it represents one of the most transformational opportunities for communities in decades. States, counties and cities will be looking to plan strategic investments based on community-driven priorities.
- Funding will be allocated in two tranches: once in mid-May 2021 and once a year later.
- All 19,000 municipalities in the U.S. receive funding. Click here to learn the estimated amount of funding allocated to your city.
- Funds need to be obligated by 12/31/2024 & used by 12/31/2026.
- Funds can be transferred to a nonprofit organization.
How can a Main Street or Elm Street organization be well-positioned to utilize these funds?
- Be at the table of local decisions! Speak to local and county decision makers. Attend public input forums and be prepared to offer suggestions for strategic use of funds.
- Track # of businesses, residents, or employees that your organization has supported during the pandemic. What kinds of assistance was provided? What kinds of assistance are you continuing to provide? Gather testimonies of those whom your organization has helped. SHARE THIS DATA!
- Define your recovery vision for your business district/neighborhood district. Support your vision with data.
- Share your revitalization strategy, drawing attention to prioritized key goals and objectives that identify recovery and prevention efforts. Be prepared with projects that are short term and ‘longer term’!
- Hone your organization’s talking points. Prepare your board with the same information.