Due to a conflict, the DEP has moved the informational webinar about the PA Partnership for Energy Efficiency at WWTP to Wednesday, May 26 at 10 a.m. Folks can register with Heather Cowley to attend or just reach out to learn more if they’re unable to make that date and time. The goal of the 26th is to provide an overview of the project and program and answer questions for interested facility teams. They want to develop a good long-term plan to best assist WWTP with their energy management while providing immediate assistance to a handful of facilities this year. See below flyer for more information.
Contact Information:
Heather Cowley | Regional Energy Specialist
Department of Environmental Protection | Southeast Regional Office
2 East Main Street | Norristown, PA 19401-4915
Phone: 484.250.5816 | Fax: 484.250.5943