Top Ten Things To Do If You Like Employment Suits
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ET, Q&A Following
Presenters: David J. MacMain & Brian H. Leinhauser
MacMain, Connell & Leinhauser LLC
Click HERE to register
- Do you know that the law forbids discrimination because of gender? An employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, can be illegal if it has a negative impact on the employment of people of a certain gender and is not job-related or necessary to the operation of your entity.
- Do you know that as a public official, your comments to an employee could lead to a hostile work environment? If not, you could be ensnared in a costly Employment Practices Suit which could also affect morale, and create more claims.
- The answers to these and other questions will be addressed in this webinar, provided free as a value added service to PennPRIME members and League elected officials and municipal managers. The session will be recorded, and depending upon interest, may be offered live again.
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