NLC COVID-19 Update: Cities Standing Together in Presidential Election



As the election approaches, NLC has re-launched the Leading Together 2020 Cities Agenda, created by a bipartisan task force of local leaders, to address the most pressing issues our communities are facing. As cities, towns, and villages prepare to lead the way into an economic recovery from COVID-19, Leading Together is as relevant as ever. It is paramount that the President in 2021 be a partner to local governments and listen to our experiences and knowledge of America’s communities.

Last night was the first Presidential Debate. As local elected officials, I’m sure many of you tuned in. I encourage us all to remember that we cannot be divided by partisan politics. The national narrative around cities hasn’t always been positive, but we know better than most that cities, towns, and villages are the backbone of our nation and our democracy.

Lastly, NLC is encouraged by the new step towards a possible bipartisan COVID-19 relief package. We are hopeful that this week’s package will help jump-start good-faith negotiations by Senate and Administration leaders to deliver long-overdue relief to cities, towns, and villages everywhere.

Sending you strength,

Joe Buscaino
National League of Cities
President Pro Tempore, Los Angeles City Council



Supreme Court Preview Webinar for States and Local Governments
Tuesday, October 27 | 1:00 PM ET
While the Supreme Court has agreed to hear lots of interesting cases relevant to states and local governments in its new term beginning on October 5, 2020, many are holdovers from last term. The Court has also accepted numerous new cases of interest including another challenge to the Affordable Care Act and a challenge to Philadelphia’s refusal to work with Catholic Social Service regarding placing foster children because it won’t place them with same-sex couples. Join to hear a discussion of the cases most interesting to states and local governments that the Court has agreed to hear so far. Register here.


Center for Tech and Civic Life COVID-19 Response Grant
With $250M to share, Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) has expanded its COVID-19 Response Grant program to all U.S. local election jurisdictions. Applications are due by October 1st and can be used to support staffing, training, and equipment to ensure a safe and timely election this November.


Feeding Youth Outside of School During COVID
Pre-COVID-19 more than 37 million people, including more than 11 million children lived in a food-insecure household. As the pandemic continues to push families into financial distress, it is critical that we ensure that families have access to food and any benefits needed for the long-term viability of our nation’s communities. Read More.

Building Savings to Achieve the Workforce Cities Need for the Future
The impact of COVID-19 will last well beyond 2020. Local leaders must consider how they can change the industries that are operating within their community to be more resilient to future crises. Read More.


Washington’s inability to agree on COVID relief puts future of colleges, universities at risk
The Hill – September 28, 2020

How State and Local Governments Are Crucial to the Economy
Governing – September 28, 2020

Councilman Matt Zone to Resign, Will Become VP at Western Reserve Land Conservancy
Scene (Cleveland, OH) – September 27, 2020