Welcome to Comcast Connections September 2020 Edition, our Community Impact bi-monthly digital newsletter. We invite you to read this issue and share articles with your friends, family and community.
McKeesport Students Get A Big Boost for Virtual Learning from Comcast Live on TODAY
When the pandemic came to McKeesport, the community didn’t have the resources to enable virtual learning for its students. On Friday September 18 TODAY’s Craig Melvin was there with a big surprise for the students of McKeesport Area High School and the middle school next door: Free Dell laptops for every student and teacher, along with a year of free Internet Essentials internet access from Comcast for eligible students. “Finally the kids get a break and get what they deserve,” said superintendent Dr. Mark Holtzman. You can watch the segment by clicking here.
Ambridge Area School District and Comcast Announce Partnership to Provide Free Internet Access to Students
Ambridge Area School District has partnered with Comcast to provide 13 months of high-speed Internet access through Comcast’s Internet Essentials Partnership Program to eligible families served by the school district.
“This school year, home Internet access is critical for every student,” said Superintendent Joseph Pasquerilla. “We are proud to partner with organizations like Comcast who can help close the digital divide and provide the resources students need for online instruction.”
Internet service will be provided through Comcast’s Internet Essentials program, designed for low-income families and individuals to acquire access to the Internet. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Comcast is offering two free months of Internet access to qualifying low-income families that apply before the end of the year. The school district is purchasing an additional 11 months of service, enabling 13 months of free internet access.
Read more about the partnership with Ambridge Area Scholl District.
Learn more about Internet Essentials by visiting www.internetessentials.com using any web-connected device, including mobile phones. The accessible website also includes the option to video chat with customer service agents in American Sign Language. In addition, there are two dedicated phone numbers 1-855-846-8376 for English and 1-855-765-6995 for Spanish.
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
From September 15 – October 15, Xfinity celebrates Hispanic Heritage month. Learn about culture and traditions through thousands of hours of programming.
Learn more about the celebration : Hispanic Heritage Month (English Version)
Learn more about the celebration: Hispanic Heritage Month (Spanish Version)
Comcast Hosts Food Drive at Wyomissing Xfinity Store to Benefit Helping Harvest
Comcast will be hosting a weeklong food drive outside the Wyomissing Xfinity store September 28 through October 2. Non-perishable food donations are accepted safely in an outdoor collections area.
“We appreciate Comcast’s partnership in responding to the drastically increased need for food in our community,” said Jay Worrall, President of Helping Harvest. “Because of the economic fallout of the COVID crisis, we are now distributing more than one million pounds of food per month, nearly twice the monthly average from a year ago.”
Read more about Comcasts support for the Helping Harvest Food Bank.