As we close in on the end of the 2020 Census and the Presidential election, we have two huge opportunities to set our communities up for success in their recovery. Yesterday was National Voter Registration Day, and, like many of you, I have been urging my residents to register to vote. Voting is essential to keep our democracy vibrant.
We would be remiss not to mention the passing of a titan of justice and equality, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Justice Ginsberg was often a champion for local government, defending them on a national level. She gave her life to public service, and as local elected leaders we must honor her legacy of benevolence.
NLC is still fighting for you every day. On Monday, we released a statement in response to Attorney General Barr’s attack on cities. Local leaders need federal partners that unite us, not ones that deepen the divide between levels of government. We have been leading through the chaos for months, it’s time for Congress to provide support.
Sending you strength,
Joe Buscaino
National League of Cities
President Pro Tempore, Los Angeles City Council
Webinar | COVID-19+Race: Using Disaggregated Data to Build Equity
Monday, September 28 at 2:30 pm ET
Hear from Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, Dr. Mary Bassett of Harvard University and Justin Edwards of Social Progress Imperative how data can be crucial to understanding inequities in health and how to address them. Register to join this conversation and hear these three important perspectives on how to build more equitable communities.
Webinar | Cities of Opportunity: Learning Lab
Monday, September 28 at 3:00 PM ET
Join our first quarterly interactive discussion to learn more about how municipal leaders from across the country are using a comprehensive view of health and wellbeing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Local leaders from the cities of Las Vegas, NV and Charlotte, NC will share their experiences and insights on housing, city planning, and racial equity. Register here.
Webinar | Housing and What’s Around It – Where we live and how well we live after COVID-19
Wednesday, September 30 at 3:00 PM ET
The COVID-19 pandemic reinforces the reality that housing and where we live are pillars of everyday wellbeing. Join the National League of Cities for a discussion with municipal, philanthropic and policy leaders who will examine strategies for leveraging public-private partnerships in the quest for greater housing and health equity within COVID-19 recovery strategies. Register here.
COVID-19 + Equity Hackathon: Municipalities Invited to Apply
Tyler Technologies and Code for America are hosting a virtual hackathon. Submit your challenge through Oct. 8 and earn an opportunity for technology experts to help your community develop useful solutions for efficiently responding to equity challenges brought on by COVID-19. Reserve your spot at the Civic Mixer on Oct. 1 to learn more.
Cities Invited to Apply to Cities of Opportunity Action Cohort
A new peer-learning community will provide local officials the opportunity to share ideas on how to address holistic, interconnected factors that affect life expectancy and harness political will with other leaders, stakeholders and multi-sector partners to deliver equitable and resilient futures for all residents. Learn more and apply here.
Congress Needs to Elevate and Extend the Transportation Programs before September 30th
The COVID-19 pandemic has created fiscal strain at the local level, with billions in estimated lost revenue for city and county governments, and the uncertainty of the federal share of transportation funding continuing only adds to this burden. Join us in asking Congress to elevate and extend the transportation programs before the deadline at the end of the month!
How Miami-Dade Catered to Older Adults Needs During COVID-19
Even before any cases were reported in the county, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez pulled together a task force encompassing more than 80 local stakeholders, including county officials and civic leaders working on housing, food assistance, and other sectors directly affected by the pandemic. Read More.
Preventing Isolation and Hunger in the Nation’s Capital
Food security is also a threat for many of DC’s older population, so the city’s Department of Aging and Community Living has revamped its programs to deliver meals to more than 5,000 residents who previously were fed at facilities that are now closed. Read More.
Experts Predict A Big Increase In High School Dropouts Is On The Horizon
Huffington Post – September 18, 2020
Accela, OpenCities Partner on No-Code Digital Services Tool
GovTech – September 17, 2020
NYC mayor to furlough employees for a week, including himself
Axios – September 16, 2020
Be a HERO if you want the country to HEAL
Bond Buyer – September 14, 2020