On this eve of the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, I’m sorry to alert you that yet another affront on environmental stewardship is currently under consideration in the PA House of Representatives.
And we need your immediate help.
The Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, the Environmental Stewardship Fund, and the Agricultural Conservation Easement Purchase Fund are among 8 state environmentally-focused special funds now targeted. State agencies would be forbidden to enter into contracts to make environmental, conservation and recreation investments using money in these special funds until the Governor ends the Covid-19 disaster emergency.
Please contact your state representative as soon as you can and tell them you oppose Amendment A05143 to House Bill 1822.
The pandemic has starkly demonstrated that people both need and value their parks and greenspace.
To prohibit the use of these funds from their express purpose, now when they are needed more than ever, is the wrong medication for sustainable economic relief-one that would in fact be counterproductive.
Moreover, popular support for our underfunded parks, nature preserves, trails, and open spaces remains very strong across Pennsylvania. We need to continue and enhance (not curtail and impair!) our investments in the very community assets that promote our physical, mental, and community health.
House Bill 1822 itself is worthy as a means to improve an existing low-interest loan program for small municipalities. It is the proposed amendment A05143 that targets these dedicated funds, and must be vigorously opposed and removed from the bill.
This Earth Day, you have a unique opportunity to speak up on behalf of our environment protection and quality. Please contact your state representative now to protect crucial funding for our vital parks and greenspaces throughout our Commonwealth. Click here for a sample letter you may personalize and send.
Thank you for your action and commitment.
Tim Herd, CPRE
Representative Name | Capitol Office | |
Barrar, Stephen | sbarrar@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-3038 |
Benninghoff, Kerry A | kbenninghoff@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-1918 |
Bernstine, Aaron | abernstine@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8322 |
Bizzarro, Ryan A | rbizzarro@pahouse.net | (717) 772-2297 |
Boback, Karen | kboback@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-1117 |
Borowicz, Stephanie | sborowicz@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-9925 |
Boyle, Kevin J | kboyle@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4944 |
Bradford, Matthew D | mbradfor@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1540 |
Briggs, Tim | tbriggs@pahouse.net | (717) 705-7011 |
Brooks, Bob | bbrooks@pahousegop.com | (717) 782-2895 |
Brown, Rosemary M | rbrown@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6171 |
Bullock, Donna | dbullock@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3480 |
Burgos, Danilo | dburgos@pahouse.net | (717) 772-2004 |
Burns, Frank | fburns@pahouse.net | (717) 772-8056 |
Caltagirone, Thomas R | tcaltagi@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3525 |
Carroll, Mike | mcarroll@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3589 |
Causer, Martin T | mcauser@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-5075 |
Cephas, Morgan | mcephas@pahouse.net | (717) 783-2192 |
Ciresi, Joe | jciresi@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4086 |
Comitta, Carolyn T | ccomitta@pahouse.net | (717) 705-2075 |
Conklin, Scott | sconklin@pahouse.net | (717) 787-9473 |
Cook, Bud | bcook@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8655 |
Cox, Jim | jcox@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-2435 |
Cruz, Angel | acruz@pahouse.net | (717) 787-1407 |
Culver, Lynda Schlegel | lculver@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3485 |
Cutler, Bryan | bcutler@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-6424 |
Daley, Mary Jo | mjdaley@pahouse.net | (717) 787-9475 |
Davidson, Margo L | mdavidson@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4907 |
Davis, Austin A | adavis@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1018 |
Davis, Tina M | tdavis@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4903 |
Dawkins, Jason | jdawkins@pahouse.net | (717) 787-1354 |
Day, Gary | gday@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3017 |
Deasy, Daniel J | ddeasy@pahouse.net | (717) 772-8187 |
DeLissio, Pamela A | pdelissio@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4945 |
Delloso, Dave | ddelloso@pahouse.net | (717) 783-6437 |
Delozier, Sheryl M | sdelozie@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-5282 |
DeLuca, Anthony M | tdeluca@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1011 |
Dermody, Frank | fdermody@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3566 |
Diamond, Russ | rdiamond@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-2686 |
DiGirolamo, Gene | gdigirolamo@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-7319 |
Donatucci, Maria P | mdonatuc@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8634 |
Dowling, Matthew D | mdowling@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-5173 |
Driscoll, Michael J | mdriscoll@pahouse.net | (717) 787-4331 |
Dunbar, George | gdunbar@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6132 |
Dush, Cris | cdush@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3845 |
Ecker, Torren C | tecker@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8875 |
Ellis, Brian L | bellis@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-7686 |
Emrick, Joe | jemrick@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6159 |
Everett, Garth D | geverett@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-5270 |
Farry, Frank A | ffarry@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6140 |
Fee, Mindy | mfee@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-5290 |
Fiedler, Elizabeth | efiedler@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5774 |
Fitzgerald, Isabella V | ifitzgerald@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4111 |
Flynn, Marty | mflynn@pahouse.net | (717) 787-8981 |
Frankel, Dan | dfrankel@pahouse.net | (717) 705-1875 |
Freeman, Robert | rfreeman@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3815 |
Fritz, Jonathan | jfritz@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-2910 |
Gabler, Matt | mgabler@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6142 |
Gainey, Ed | egainey@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1017 |
Galloway, John T | jgallowa@pahouse.net | (717) 787-1292 |
Gaydos, Valerie S | vgaydos@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-6651 |
Gillen, Mark M | mgillen@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-8550 |
Gillespie, Keith | kgillesp@pahousegop.com | (717) 705-7167 |
Gleim, Barbara | bgleim@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-2280 |
Goodman, Neal P | ngoodman@pahouse.net | (717) 787-2798 |
Gregory, Jim | jgregory@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-9020 |
Greiner, Keith J | kgreiner@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-6422 |
Grove, Seth M | sgrove@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-2655 |
Hahn, Marcia M | mhahn@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8573 |
Hanbidge, Liz | lhanbidge@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4102 |
Harkins, Patrick J | pharkins@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7406 |
Harris, Jordan A | jharris@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1792 |
Heffley, Doyle | dheffley@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6139 |
Helm, Susan C | shelm@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-1230 |
Hennessey, Tim | thenness@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3431 |
Hershey, Johnathan D | jhershey@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-7830 |
Hickernell, David S | dhickern@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-2076 |
Hill-Evans, Carol | chill-Evans@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7514 |
Hohenstein, Joseph C | jhohenstein@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4087 |
Howard, Kristine C | khoward@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4088 |
Innamorato, Sara | sinnamorato@pahouse.net | (717) 783-9114 |
Irvin, Rich | rirvin@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3335 |
Isaacson, MaryLouise | misaacson@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8098 |
James, R. Lee J | rljames@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8188 |
Jones, Mike | mjones@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8389 |
Jozwiak, Barry J | bjozwiak@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-9940 |
Kail, Joshua D | jkail@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6144 |
Kaufer, Aaron D | akaufer@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3798 |
Kauffman, Rob W | rkauffman@pahousegop.com | (717) 705-2004 |
Keefer, Dawn W | dkeefer@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8783 |
Keller, Fred | fkeller@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3443 |
Keller, Mark K | mkeller@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-1593 |
Kenyatta, Malcolm | mkenyatta@pahouse.net | (717) 787-9471 |
Kim, Patty | pkim@pahouse.net | (717) 783-9342 |
Kinsey, Stephen | skinsey@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3181 |
Kirkland, Brian | bkirkland@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5881 |
Klunk, Kate A | kklunk@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-4790 |
Knowles, Jerry | jknowles@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-9029 |
Kortz II, William C | bkortz@pahouse.net | (717) 787-8175 |
Krueger, Leanne | lkrueger@pahouse.net | (717) 705-2567 |
Krueger-Braneky, Leanne | lkrueger-braneky@pahouse.net | (717) 705-2567 |
Kulik, Anita Astorino | akulik@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3780 |
Lawrence, John A | jlawrenc@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6117 |
Lee, Summer | slee@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1914 |
Lewis, Andrew | alewis@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-2014 |
Longietti, Mark | mlongiet@pahouse.net | (717) 772-4035 |
Mackenzie, Ryan E | rmackenzie@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-1000 |
Madden, Maureen | mmadden@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5811 |
Mako, Zachary | zmako@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-5398 |
Malagari, Steven R | smalagari@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8515 |
Maloney Sr, David M | dmaloney@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6161 |
Markosek, Brandon J. | bmarkosek@pahouse.net | (717) 772-4511 |
Marshall, Jim | jmarshal@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6432 |
Masser, Kurt A | kmasser@pahousegop.gom | (717) 260-6134 |
Matzie, Robert F | rmatzie@pahouse.net | (717) 787-4444 |
McCarter, Stephen | smccarte@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1079 |
McClinton, Joanna E | jmcclinton@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9850 |
McNeill, Jeanne | jmcneill@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9902 |
Mehaffie III, Thomas L | jpayne@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-2684 |
Mentzer, Steven C | smentzer@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-1776 |
Merski, Robert E | rmerski@pahouse.net | (717) 780-4774 |
Metcalfe, Daryl D | dmetcalf@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-1707 |
Metzgar, Carl Walker | cmetzgar@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8756 |
Mihalek, Natalie | nmihalek@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-1522 |
Millard, David R | dmillard@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-1102 |
Miller, Brett R | bmiller@pahousegop.com | (717) 705-7161 |
Miller, Dan L | dmiller@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1850 |
Mizgorski, Lori A | lmizgorski@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6407 |
Moul, Dan | dmoul@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-5217 |
Mullery, Gerald J | gmullery@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4893 |
Mullins, Kyle J | kmullins@pahouse.net | (717) 783-5043 |
Murt, Thomas P | tmurt@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-6886 |
Neilson, Ed | eneilson@pahouse.net | (717) 772-4032 |
Nelson, Eric R | enelson@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6146 |
Nesbit, Tedd C | tnesbit@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-6438 |
Oberlander, Donna | doberlan@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-9908 |
O’Mara, Jennifer | jomara@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4090 |
O’Neal, Timothy J | toneal@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3315 |
Ortitay, Jason | jortitay@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-1281 |
Otten, Danielle Friel | dotten@pahouse.net | (717) 783-5009 |
Owlett, Clint | cowlett@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-5371 |
Pashinski, Eddie Day | epashinski@pahouse.net | (717) 783-0686 |
Peifer, Michael | mpeifer@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-2037 |
Petrarca, Joseph A | jpetrarc@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5142 |
Pickett, Tina | tpickett@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-8238 |
Polinchock, F. Todd | tpolinchock@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-5452 |
Puskaric, Michael J | mpuskaric@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6122 |
Pyle, Jeffrey P | jpyle@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-5327 |
Quinn, Christopher B | cquinn@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-0855 |
Rabb, Christopher M | crabb@pahouse.net | (717) 783-2178 |
Rader Jr, Jack | jrader@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-7732 |
Rapp, Kathy L | klrapp@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-1367 |
Ravenstahl, Adam | aravenstahl@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5470 |
Readshaw, Harry | hreadshaw@pahouse.net | (717) 783-0411 |
Reese, Mike | mreese@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-9311 |
Rigby, Jim | jrigby@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-9924 |
Roae, Brad | broae@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-2353 |
Roebuck Jr, James R | jroebuck@pahouse.net | (717) 783-1000 |
Rothman, Greg | grothman@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-2063 |
Rozzi, Mark | mrozzi@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3290 |
Ryan, Francis X | fryan@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-1815 |
Sainato, Chris | csainato@pahouse.net | (717) 772-2436 |
Samuelson, Steve | ssamuels@pahouse.net | (717) 705-1881 |
Sanchez, Benjamin V | bsanchez@pahouse.net | (717) 783-7619 |
Sankey, Tommy | tsankey@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-7099 |
Sappey, Christina D | csappey@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9973 |
Saylor, Stan | ssaylor@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-6426 |
Schemel, Paul | pschemel@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-5218 |
Schlossberg, Michael H | mschloss@pahouse.net | (717) 705-1869 |
Schmitt, Louis C | lschmitt@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-6419 |
Schroeder, Meghan | mschroeder@pahousegop.com | (717) 705-7170 |
Schweyer, Peter | pschweyer@pahouse.net | (717) 787-2909 |
Shusterman, Melissa L | mshusterman@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7524 |
Simmons, Justin J | jsimmons@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-1673 |
Sims, Brian | bsims@pahouse.net | (717) 783-4072 |
Snyder, Pam | psnyder@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3797 |
Solomon, Jared G | jsolomon@pahouse.net | (717) 787-4117 |
Sonney, Curtis G | csonney@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-9087 |
Staats, Craig T | cstaats@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-3154 |
Stephens, Todd | tstephen@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6163 |
Struzzi, James B | jstruzzi@pahousegop.com | (717) 705-7173 |
Sturla, P. Michael | msturla@pahouse.net | (717) 787-3555 |
Thomas, Wendi | wthomas@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-9926 |
Tobash, Mike | mtobash@pahousegop.com | (717) 260-6148 |
Toepel, Marcy | mtoepel@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-9501 |
Topper, Jesse | jtopper@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-7076 |
Turzai, Mike | mturzai@pahousegop.com | (717) 772-9943 |
Ullman, Wendy | wullman@pahouse.net | (717) 772-8060 |
Vitali, Greg | gvitali@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7647 |
Walsh, Justin M | jwalsh@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-3825 |
Warner, Ryan | rwarner@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-1540 |
Warren, Perry S | pwarren@pahouse.net | (717) 787-5475 |
Webster, Joe | jwebster@pahouse.net | (717) 787-0419 |
Wentling, Parke | pwentling@pahousegop.com | (717) 783-5008 |
Wheatley Jr, Jake | jwheatley@pahouse.net | (717) 783-3783 |
Wheeland, Jeff C | jwheeland@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-2885 |
White, Martina A | mwhite@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-6740 |
Williams, Dan K | dwilliams@pahouse.net | (717) 772-9910 |
Youngblood, Rosita C | ryoungbl@pahouse.net | (717) 787-7727 |
Zabel, Michael P | mzabel@pahouse.net | (717) 783-8099 |
Zimmerman, David H | dzimmerman@pahousegop.com | (717) 787-3531 |