New Senate Deal Eliminates Direct Stabilization Aid to Local Governments
Late last night, we received word that a final deal has been reached on the 3rd emergency supplemental measure in response to COVID-19. If late night reports are accurate, the deal completely eliminate direct stabilization aid to local governments, while granting access to states and counties with populations of 500,000 or greater.
If this is the case, NLC is opposed to the unreasonable separation of cities from stabilization aid, and remains opposed to the unreasonably high population threshold of 500,000.
Although this may indeed be the final agreement, you can still reach out to your members in both the House and Senate. If we cannot convince Congress to fix this now, we will continue pressure them to fix it in subsequent legislation.
We need to insist that stabilization aid be provided directly to CITIES.
Please let us know what you and your members are hearing!
For additional information and resources for local leaders, visit NLC’s Coronavirus Response Resources page.